Sunday, February 12, 2012

Judging people as a Christian.

This has been on my mind for several weeks.  There was a recent article about a girl who was protesting because a child who was biologically a boy but felt like she was a girl asked to join the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts let in the transgendered child. Well, child  judgemental- bitch- in -training, likely spurred on by hateful parents, made a video protesting this asking people to boycott purchasing Girl Scout cookies. Well, of course, I doubled my cookie order, even though my fat ass will eat every thin mint, and I don't need to. I posted the article on my facebook to some backlash. I was told by someone that the transgendered child was a sin against Jesus. I am a humble sinner myself, but I don't presume to know to what degree Jesus considers things a sin and point fingers at those who I think are sinning against Him.

However, this reminded me of a movie I saw called "Lars and the Real Girl."  It is an Indy film I resisted seeing because the premise seemed a little bizarre and maybe even a little offensive, but this film, while humorous, changed me in a good day.

I won't give too much away because I think everyone should see this, but a guy named Lars, having lived with the knowledge that his mother died while giving birth to him and being raised by a father who can't seem to bond with him, buys a life sized doll and tells everyone it is his girlfriend, Bianca. It stars Ryan Gosling and was made in 2008 when his star was just starting to light up.

He begins to take Bianca everywhere in his small Minnesota town. His older brother and wife, try to shelter Lars from possible hate by discussing the issue with everyone first.  The following video is what occurs prior to Lars taking Bianca to church. What would Jesus do? Indeed....

Maybe it's just me, but I think sitting at home, tallying up other people's sins is WRONG. It's hateful, and I don't think it's what Jesus would have wanted, but again, I am not presumptive enough to tally up everyone else's sins. Also, I don't think Jesus would have put such a love in my heart for my friends. My straight friends, my gay friends, and if I had a transgendered friend or a wacky friends like Lars, that kind of friend either.  Also, as I am fond of saying "Baby, we all got SOMETHING." Maybe we're cranky, use cuss words, overeat, overdrink, a little wacky. But I do know THIS. It is WRONG to judge people. It says right there in Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, and not notice the LOG in yours?"

I will also say this. I think some Christian people who speak out the most harshly against gays are doing so because they want to condemn sin but don't want to actually look at themselves. Gays are 3% of the population.  Why are we not discussing the 50% of the population committing adultery? Who are judging their neighbors? Who gossip? Who run your ass over with the cart at kroger even though you only have a box of tampons and aluminum foil? Isn't that a little more realistic? No, if people condemn gays, they get to feel good because they condemn what they feel is "sin," but they don't have to actually look at themselves.

Peace and blessings, kindness and love this Sunday morning. Maybe when you're worshipping this Sunday, you say a prayer to seek to understand before you condemn. You trade hate for love this Valentine's day. Try it.Though I can't make presumptions about it,  I think that's what Jesus would do.


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